Friday, October 26, 2012


I have been having lots of fun playing with filters lately. It isn't something I can do with fashion blog posts as those need to look fairly realistic to show off  the clothes. So it is fun to get dressed up in blood and dirt and play the "dead body" in the scene. This was for a contest but somehow the post I got on the rules didn't include needing four people in the shot -- each on one of the scripted grave markers (see photo below). 

Still I enjoyed the process and even became part of the storyline in the role play sim. I came back from getting some real life coffee to find a lengthy discussion going on about reporting my body to the police. I had to smile. I left myself "dead" and did some photo processing while I waited for the folks to disperse. Then I continued on with my shoot. 

This is one of the shots I took a few days later with friends. Many filters were involved and I am not too sure what they all were at this point but there was a blending of two layers in the end, one a stylized black and white and one the original colored version. This is my favorite of the entries but probably not the most popular of the bunch.

Perspective - Red Seal Hunt 2012

I have been doing a lot of still photography of late so I decided to add a few of my favorite shots to this blog and update a bit. Lots going on and "Hit Me" has become an orphan.

This was a photo for the Red Seal Hunt contest. Unfortunately I was the only one that entered and the coordinators of the hunt have apparently decided not to give out prizes. I can understand that, but I really would have appreciated a reply to my inquiry about the issue *wink*. Oh well.

With that in mind I have decided that if I happen to win a prize for an unscripted artwork at University of Western Australia this next month, I will share that prize with the person who didn't win because they had the only non-scripted work for "Water". I don't remember who that was or what the work was, but I KNOW how hard I worked on this photo. I would have liked at least a pat on the back virtually speaking. So I suspect the person who didn't win last month has the same sort of emotions.